Corporate Humor: Taking improv acting classes to sharpen business communication skills

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on September 05, 2014 at 7:20 AM

By Sydney Franklin, Contributing writer

Middle school teachers, small business owners, law students and waiters all work in constant communication with different kinds of people. Often, these jobs require a little bit of improvisation.

No matter your profession, the ability to think on your feet and tackle any situation with ease is a learned skill - one taught in a basic improv comedy class.

Chris Arnold, 24, came to Syracuse's own Salt City Improv Theatre as a senior at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, hoping to get over his fear of public speaking and interviewing.
Three years later, still practicing improv and working as a designer for RZ Engineering, Arnold confronts his job as a civil engineer with confidence. His improv training stands out when handling issues with clients.
"What the client wants built, can't always be built," he said. "It helps being sharp and confident with them, to explain things in a way that immediately makes sense when there's confusion."

The hit 90s show "Whose Line is it Anyway?" inspired Arnold to find his passion in improvisational theater. He now belongs to one of Salt City's long-form improv teams, SkittleFit, where a small group of actors perform 30- to 50-minute sets.

Arnold isn't the only business professional at the theater. He practices alongside a certified public accountant, a retail consultant, a psychiatric nurse and another engineer. "You need to be smart to do improv," Arnold said. "It's about knowing the tricks and paying attention to your teammates."

Salt City Improv owner, Jeff Kinsler, teaches the classes at the Shoppingtown Mall black box theater. His instruction emphasizes skills that can be used in class and in the real world such as listening, flexibility of thought, taking risks, embracing failure and "Yes, and..." or using agreement to forward a conversation.
"You have to follow the fear," he said. "We applaud failure. We embrace it." Kinsler coaches several different teams including the Salt City house team, Pork Pie Hat, which performs a monthly short-form improv show. Their next show is set for Sept. 20 at 8 p.m.

House team member Peter Katt, 56, relies on improv practice to sharpen his imagination. A former television production crewmember, Katt now focuses on his work in the voiceover industry through recording short story narrations for podcasts. "Scripts are just words on a page," he said, "I have to bring them to life by imagining the character, the environment and what happened that led up to the moment." Among members of Pork Pie Hat are a Syracuse University librarian and Crystal Simmons, a waitress and promotions tech for a local media group.

Simmons has been doing improv since the team's conception three years ago, even while balancing courses at Le Moyne College. Having graduating in May with an advertising degree, Simmons wants to pursue to pursue a professional career in improv comedy. A naturally shy woman, Simmons feels in control on stage.
"Improv helps me get out of my head," she said. "It's a way to express myself. I've learned how to make small talk, to pay attention and listen."

Kinsler has a background in criminal justice and got his master's in clinical social work. He also worked as a professional stand-up comic for 15 years and trained at the Upright Citizens Brigade as well as The Peoples Improv Theater in New York City. He opened Salt City Improv about six years ago, after discovering Syracuse lacked its own training grounds for improv lovers. "What's great about improv is that you learn to accept the change of ideas, rather than having rigidity of thought," Kinsler said. "There's no prejudgment and you learn how to be a team player, something that's extremely important in any profession."

Improv actors strive to be fully in the moment, according to Kinsler. Both he and Arnold believe that improv comedy teaches some of life's big lessons.

"Improv teaches things that aren't explicitly taught in school," Arnold said. "It reminds you that agreeing with people is important. It's a skill you have to have. You have to be able to meet in the middle, to agree on a common reality."

Salt City Improv Theatre will begin offering fall-term basic improv classes within the next few weeks. Call (315) 410-1962 for details.
Drop-In classes are open to the public on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. Adult participants will be charged $20; students $15 with ID.